Take home advice:
If you are stuck on a particular lift or feel weak, add a day or two of high intensity sprints to your training regime and you will increase your strength in the gym. Although if you are new to sprinting you must cautious in the beginning as sprinting is very taxing to the CNS. I would cut your gym volume back a bit if you plan on adding in some sprint days.
The following template would be a safe and effective place to start when beginning a sprinting program:
Monday = Sprint Session A
Full Body Joint Mobility
High Knees 3 sets of 10 yards
Butt Kickers 3 sets of 10 yards
Karioka's 3 sets of 50 yards each direction
and any bodyweight loosening drill that helps you feel loose and explosive
4 x 30 meters (1 minute recovery)
4 x 50 meters (2 minute recovery)
Remember that this is not a workout per say...you are trying to spring as fast as possible so if you need to rest more between sets....by all means take more rest!!!
Friday = Sprint Session B
Same warm up as Monday
5 x 60 meters (As fast as possible - 3 to 5 minute recover between runs)
If you are not about to out and hit the track, try some of the following to increase fast twitch muscle activation:
Vertical Jumps onto a high Box
Standing Broad Jumps
Single Leg Plyo Hops
Get out there and use the Type IIB fibers. God gave you them for a reason!!!
Those drills remind me an off season football(American) training.
Very familiar.
I need take advantage of living next to a 100yds X 300yds recreational field.
very well said, many people underestimate sprinting it has so many benefits as well as being a powerful strength tool.
Taikei, yes, you need to get out there and do some sprints....what are you waiting for?
sprinting will just make athletes more explosive, period!
Do you do any sprints?
Sprinting from soccer, especially in college, gave me a nice base when I began meaningful strength training. You've got it on the nose, Franz!
Since tearing up my left piriformis 15 years ago training for the Boston Marathon, I have had to give up all running. I used to run 100, 220 and 440 yard intervals and hills as large part of my training. It keep my upper body toned without any resistance training.
I REALLY miss it.
the bottome line is that SPRINTING rocks! Some of the world's best sprinters all have soccer backgrounds!
Bummer about the Piriformis issue. What type of therapy have you tried on it? Perhaps there is still hope for you in getting that part of your body to handle sprinting again.
I never had any specific physical therapy for my piriformis injury. It took at least 9 months to walk without pain. I tried getting back to running within the 1st year of the injury and developed a very sore lower back. This was chronic until I took up KB training and integrated it with Z-Health.
Long walks will still cause my left hip to get sore, so I'm going to hold off on any running. Fortunately, there are so many other ways to train strength and endurance to keep me challenged and motivated for a long time.
Glad you are rocking the sprints Franz! I just started some basic sprint work a few months ago at the Z Health S Phase. Honestly it was the first time in my life that I really ENJOYED sprinting! Wow.
Do you think the increases in gym lifts are due to a CNS adaptation to recruit more muscle (as you mentioned) or from an increased work load (increased tissue turnover--replacing "old" tissue with newer "better" tissue)?
Rock on
Mike N
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