Thursday, April 21, 2011

Random Thoughts

Went on an amazing hike today at Torrey Pines State Park overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. If you ever get out to San Diego you MUST hike these trails. Not because they are incredibly difficult but because they are undeniably beautiful!!! Don't believe me? Than you just gonna have to go for yourself and check them out!!


1. Having a PRACTICE is more important than WORKING OUT

This is something that I have been thinking about for a while and I think it really takes time to get the point on your life where you develop a PRACTICE and not WORKOUT habit.  Just like someone has a Yoga practice or martial arts practice, developing your kettlebell skills takes time, effort, study, humility, discipline, focus, patience and persistence to name a few. The desire to get it a workout is for amateurs and novices. If you use kettlebells treat it as a practice. The emphasis is on the INTERNAL workings of your body and mind and not just on "breaking a sweat."   Your focus in on principles, not how many times you felt you were going to puke.  The natural by-product of focused and precise movement (swings, squats, snatches, get ups, presses, pull ups) is an effective workout. Focused internally guided movement will challenge you big time.

If you are starting kettlebells my advice is to pick a program (Enter the Kettlebell would be a great one / Right of Passage)  and stick to it. Stay on that program for 6 months to a year. Yup, that's right. It will take you at least one year to become competent in the basic Kettlebell movements. It will take a lifetime to master them.

2. Eat more Vegetables and Greens

This might sound like a no brainer but how many of us actually do this on a daily basis.  I will be the first to admit that I go through periods of time where I eat lots of vegetables and greens and then go through times where I eat very few. The end result of me eating daily greens and salads in increased energy, better bathroom visits, healthier looking skin, and better mental clarity. This is where I think the PALEO style of eating is superior because it has you eat lots and lots of veggies and ditch the refined carbohydrates. Every day I hear people tell me, "I can't lose weight and I am really frustrated." And then I respond, "Well, what are you eating?" The conversation usually ends right there. My advice is to eat at least one large salad every day with protein, veggies and lots of organic goodness.The bottom line is that we all need to eat less CRAP (refined carbos) and eat more vegetables and greens.

3) Get a Lacrosse Ball

Recently I have fallen in love with a lacrosse ball because it just makes me feel so good! Well, not really! It actually can be quite uncomfortable at times but seriously, this ball has really helped me work on problematic areas in my body. At night time I like to like on the floor and place the lacrosse ball on the following areas:

  • Infraspinatus / Teres Minor / Lats
  • TFL
  • Glutes
  • Plantar Fascia (bottom of foot)

Go easy at first and as your muscles allow you to go deeper you will be able to. Try and do 5 to 10 minutes of lacrosse ball work every night for one week and notice how much more mobile and healthier your soft tissues feel.

Thoughts? Comments?


Anonymous said...

Great and good advices!

Having a practice vs. working out is the key to stay healthy and strong for a long long time ;-)

I like this post very much!

My advice:Go more barefoot or with the five fingers!

I have a lot of barefoot walks done in the last time and my knees and back are felling great :-)

Take care!

Russ Moon said...

Thank you for taking the time to pen this Franz. I particularly like the part of about workouts are for novices or amateurs, rings true to me as I am now just leaving that phase;0 w MRKC's Neupert's help.


Franz Snideman said...


thanks! I definitely did my hike/trail running in my Vibrams KSO TREK's!!! The best, no doubt!!!

Franz Snideman said...

It takes a smart man to realize that truth. The journey is what's important and sounds like you have surrounded yourself with smart coaches.....Neupert's one of the best out there, period!!!

Thanks for reading!!

Anonymous said...


yes,i know you are a big fan of the barefoot run too ;-)

Your post about the big benefits of wearing five fingers or walking barefoot is close to my own experience in this case!
And i had in the past a lot of serious knee and back problems(Disc HernationaL4/L5 and Osteochondritis dissecansLi/Both with O.P.)

So i recommended for all people the have back or knee problems;Take off your fancy shoes and go barefoot :-)

One question at you Franz:Wear you the fingers the hole day or just when you are in nature for hiking and trail walking?

Take care!

Strength Nomad said...

Great post Franz. Practice, eat your veggies, find a plan and stick to it.

I am not sure there is better advice anywhere.

C.J. Brown

Mike Perry said...

Great call on the lax ball!

I always have a tennis ball and lax ball on hand for soft it hurts so good.

Keep up the great posts!

Are you going to level II in July?

Kettlebell en Español said...

Bruce, I usually wear my Vibrams all day!! although I just bought a pair of the Merrell Barefoot Trail Glove....and they are nice!!! I still prefer my five fingers though because I like the TOE separation. The problem is they just get so darn STINKY

Franz Snideman said...

Thanks C.J.!

@Mike, No, I will not be at Level II in July. You going?

Smitty.Diesel said...

I want to be Franz's best friend! Great post man.

Mike Perry said...

Yes sir, I will be there. I am in training now....I have will have my lax ball with me....wish me luck

If I ever get to the west coast I would love to come in for a workout!

Franz Snideman said...

Smitty, you are too kind!!! Thanks for checking in on the blog!

Franz Snideman said...

Mike, it would be an honor to train with you. When you coming out to San Diego bro?