A Blog about Examining Effectiveness in Strength Training, Kettlebells, Fitness and Health / Embracing Principles that make you Better and Healthier www.revolutionlajolla.com
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Been Busy.........like everyone else!
I love this poster of Steve Prefontaine. He really was one of the greatest athletes to ever live!!!
Sometimes when you are juggling so many things at one time, many of the things we enjoy doing (like blogging)get put on hold. Been a busy couple of weeks. Work schedule has definitely picked up and my responsibilities seem to keep growing(which isn't always a bad thing.) I took last week off from training as I felt awful all week. Maybe a low grade infection or virus. I've been battling something that is for sure and it hasn't been fun. My response to exercise has been very poor which tells me their is some underlying health issue that needs to be addressed. Maybe it's increased stress or a nutritional deficiency? I'm not sure, but I plan on finding out. Overall this week I feel much better, thank God. This week is a very LIGHT week of training to help me slowly come back. I need to listen to my body, especially on those days when I see 8 + clients per day.
On Friday I am off to Phoenix to take a NMT (Neuromuscular Therapy) course for three days on all the muscles of the pelvis and torso. Should be fantastic!
Training Today:
Multi Directional Lunges (5 different angles)w/barbell
2 sets x 10/10 (2 per angle)
Pull Ups
TGU w/20kg
2 sets x 2/2
Single Clean and Press w/20kg
2 sets x 5/5
That's it for now. Off to Phoenix to learn!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Love this Quote
Double KB Front Squats (20kgs)
5 reps x 5 sets
See Saw Press (24kgs)
5/5 x
Pull Ups (16kg)
8,8 = 16 reps
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
I took this from Geoff Neupert's Blog. It is one of my favorite all time quotes. So much so that we put it in the front of our book "The Revolution Kettlebell Fat Loss Program."
Monday, August 13, 2007
Change......is a good thing!
With the coming of our new baby I have come to realize that change is an important part of life. Their are different seasons of life and with each season comes new opportunities, new perspectives to learn, and new challenges. I also always think of the scripture passage from the book of Ecclesiastes where King Solomon talks about how their is a time for everything; a time to laugh...a time to cry...a time to work and a time to relax..... and I'm sure most of you have read it or heard it. The following poem I found in John Maxwell's the Difference Maker and it's called:
Yesterday at home:
KB Military Press w/24kg
3/3 x 10 sets
Snatches w/24kg
5/5 x 10 sets = 100 reps
Overhead sqats w/24kg
3/3 x 3 sets
Saturday Track Workout:
Warm Up
20 yards x 3
30 yards x 3
40 yards x 2
60 yards x 1
Suicides w/ 5 cones (with cones placed every 10 yards)
5 sets
Double KB Military Press (2 x 24kgs)
5 x 5 sets
Weighted Pull Ups w/24kg
Snatches w/24kg
10/10 x 1 set
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Motivated by Excellence! Bulldog Snatch Video
I have not been snatching heavy KB's for a while, especially since my lumbar disc herniation last year. Back is feeling a ton better and has been for a while but I wanted to test my snatch numbers with the 40kg Bulldog. My previous snatch record at the June RKC in 2006 was 15 reps on my right and 10 reps on my left. Well today I got 16 reps on my right (woo hoooo) and only 6 on my left (booooo). There is definitely a huge weakness on my left side but either way I am excited that I was able to snatch it for some reps. It proves my theory that you do not have to lift heavy in order to be able to lift heavy. If you get good at snatching the 24kg you will have the base conditioning to able to lift a heavier bell. Our good friend and Muay thai instructor Roger Lewis was nice enough to film it for me.
Yes I know......the left arm is LAUGHABLE. The first rep I barely even got up overhead. I have lots of work to do on the left side fore sure!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Answer from legendary sprint coach Charlie Francis!
When I was 26 (I'm 33 now) I submitted a question about sprinting to Charlie Francis, possibly the best sprint coach to ever live. Well funny thing is I was an Tom Furman's site and saw a collection of Q and A's with Charlie Francis that he has posted. I was shocked to find my question and his answer in there. It only took 7 years for me to get the answer. Here is my question that I gave him and the following is his answer. But you know what? I am still pumped to have this answer because it does answer some questions for me as I head off to the track to sprint right after I post this! God bless Charlie Francis!
Sprinting, Rapid Improvements, and Those Wacky East Germans
Q: I'm a 26 year old 100m sprinter who's been sprinting on and off since my junior year in high school. In the college program I attended my times were worse than in high school and I attribute it to the buffoon type of aerobic training my coach insisted I do. Well, years have passed and since having read your material I sprinted my PR of 10.72 (electronic- previous best was 11.00) with very poor strength levels. My goal is to get down to 10.4 this upcoming track season. Is this level of rapid improvement possible in one year? 10.72 felt like I was floating; it was the easiest race I've run. Have you ever seen anyone drop their 100m time by 4/10's of seconds?
A: That's a lot of time to drop all at once, especially as you've already dropped 3/10's in the last year! I'd suggest that you put some of the time planning on hold and concentrate on getting the best training program in place that you can. Relax and let the results come to you.
Your comment about your 10.72 race illustrates what I mean. The best races always feel easy! Don't put pressure on yourself. I'm not sure what sort of aerobic training you did before, but I've always had a significant aerobic component in my running programs (about 35% anaerobic, 65% aerobic). These runs act as an "active recovery," enhancing blood flow and increasing capillary density (the enhanced microscopic network slows down the flow of blood past the cells, allowing more time for complete nutrient transfer).
The other poorly understood, but even more important benefit, is the increased ability of the body to generate more heat around the muscle motor neurons. Increased heat around the neurons lowers electrical resistance, allowing more current to pass. This permits more muscle fiber to act as fast twitch fiber!
The East Germans understood the role of additional heat when an extensive review of world record performances revealed how often the record setter was at the early stages of a cold and running a fever when the record was set. (Later into the cold, the adverse effects outweigh the benefits, of course.) This led the East Germans to experiment with de-natured viruses to generate a slight fever immediately prior to a world record attempt!
The warning here is that these "tempo" runs must not interfere in any way with the quality of the high-speed runs. This means that aerobic interval runs must not exceed 75% of your best possible speed. If your best time for the 200 meters is 21 seconds, then your interval 200 meter runs must be slower than 28 seconds! Additionally, your last interval must be as fast as your first. If you have any problem doing that, you're going too fast!