Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Been everyone else!

I love this poster of Steve Prefontaine. He really was one of the greatest athletes to ever live!!!

Sometimes when you are juggling so many things at one time, many of the things we enjoy doing (like blogging)get put on hold. Been a busy couple of weeks. Work schedule has definitely picked up and my responsibilities seem to keep growing(which isn't always a bad thing.) I took last week off from training as I felt awful all week. Maybe a low grade infection or virus. I've been battling something that is for sure and it hasn't been fun. My response to exercise has been very poor which tells me their is some underlying health issue that needs to be addressed. Maybe it's increased stress or a nutritional deficiency? I'm not sure, but I plan on finding out. Overall this week I feel much better, thank God. This week is a very LIGHT week of training to help me slowly come back. I need to listen to my body, especially on those days when I see 8 + clients per day.

On Friday I am off to Phoenix to take a NMT (Neuromuscular Therapy) course for three days on all the muscles of the pelvis and torso. Should be fantastic!

Training Today:

Multi Directional Lunges (5 different angles)w/barbell
2 sets x 10/10 (2 per angle)

Pull Ups

TGU w/20kg

2 sets x 2/2

Single Clean and Press w/20kg
2 sets x 5/5

That's it for now. Off to Phoenix to learn!


Unknown said...

Franz, thanks for your time and guidance. I appreciate it. Hope your energy comes back and you have a great NMT course.

Royce said...

You seem to come to Phoenix a lot. One of these days I would like to meet you in person dude.

Pete said...

Totally understand, Franz. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Have fun in Phoenix-sounds like a fascinating course! I am looking forward to reading about any observations you have from attending the class.


Franz Snideman said...

Thank Tim. It was great talking to you and I appreciate you enthusiasm for fitness and for helping people!

Franz Snideman said...


Yeah dude. We should hook up one of these times. I'll be staying with my brother who lives in South Chandler. Where do you live in relation to Chandler?

Franz Snideman said...


yeah, should be a great seminar. I'll post an extensive recap of the whole weekend next week.Hope you are well!

Royce said...

Central Phoenix. 48th st and Van Buren. !

Lauren Brooks said...

Have fun in Phoenix. I hope you feel better and are nice and refreshed when you get back!

Franz Snideman said...

Royce, the course is at Phoenix college I believe on Indian School. I will be eating lunch with my twin brother Keats and RKC John Vandenbrink at Chipotle on Camelback. If you can make it their tomorrow that would be great. call me at 619-227-1518 if you can make it!

Franz Snideman said...

thank you Lauren!

Royce said...

DO'OH I just checked your blog, damnit. You're probably eating lunch as I write this.

Franz Snideman said...

Royce, we'll hook up next time. I return in November for another course!

Royce said...

November it will be then. I really want to pick your brain, and meet you also.

Mike T Nelson said...

Glad you are feeling better and look forward to hearing more about what you learned in AZ.
Tell Keats hello also.
Rock on
Mike N