After about a year of doing mainly KB Presses, Squats, Snatches, Lunges and weighted pull ups and chin ups, I have decided to focus on the similar movements but with a barbell. Below are the following lifts I am going to focus on for the next 6 to 8 weeks depending on how my body handles it. I haven't done Zercher squats in years but having watched videos of many RKC's Kenneth Jay and Guardner doing them, it peaked my interest! So the two lifts I want to improve on right now are Military Press and Zercher's. I am going to follow a lifting protocol from Arthur Drexler's book "The Encyclopedia of Weightlifting" that my twin brother Keats Snideman turned me onto. The rest of the movements will be supplemental lifts
1) Barbell Zercher Squats
2) Barbell Military Press (and one day of incline Press)3) Double KB Front Squat (same but different principle- I might also use Bulgarian Split Squats)
4)Weighted Chins and Pull ups (I love these and never take these out of my program)
5) KB Snatches and KB Swings ( I will keep these in my training program for now- but on more of a maintenance mode)
6) Off season sprinting (with my event being the 100 meters- season picks up in January 2008)
That's it! 6 simple yet effective movements to increase my full body strength, power and conditioning. I will also add in plenty of stretching and joint mobility work focusing on my hips, feet, ankles and upper back.
Last week's training
sprinting at the track
Tempo runs 10 x 100 yards at 70% intensity
Dips (they had a dip station at UCSD which is great) 36 reps
Stadium sprints up the stairs @ 100% intensity - 6
Zercher Squats
135 x 5 x 2 sets
185 x 2 x 1 set
225 x 1 (PR)
235 x 1 (PR)
Military Press
115 x 3 reps x 5 sets