I Just finished a MASTERMIND marketing seminar with John Du Cane of Dragon Door at the Grand Hyatt Manchester hotel in downtown San Diego. It was for many reason the most PROFOUND and life changing workshop I have ever been to. To see what CEO John Du Cane has done with Dragon Door over the last ten years is INSPIRATIONAL and when John speaks, I LISTEN.
The interaction with other TOP RKC's was worth the price of admission alone! The energy and ideas exchanged was REAL and it was INCREDIBLE!!!
This was the first MASTERMIND workshop I have ever been to. In fact, it is the first seminar I have ever been to that was 100% dedicated to marketing. As a professed lifetime "Non-marketer", this seminar forced me out of my comfort zone in a big way. It also showed and taught me several things about myself:
1) I haven't valued the power of marketing (because if I had I would have learned, studies and applied the best of what's available).
2) I have no real SYSTEMS in place to grow my business and therefore LEARN about what works and what doesn't work.
3) I am ROBBING my best customers and the rest of the world of giving them the BEST OF ME!
You see, what I came to understand is that if I shrink myself, my business, my life and place it in a tiny little box, I not only rob myself of success both in internal character and external rewards, I ROB other people from getting the BEST of me, of what I have to offer them.
How and why is this information valuable for you?
Well, think about it seriously for a moment! If you have God given gifts, talents and potential that you are not using or developing, you are literally SHRINKING yourself and the potential you have to share with the world.
I don't know about you.....but life is short and I don't want to go to my death bed with all of my talents and abilities trapped in a box because I never was BOLD enough or STRONG enough to develop them and share them.
So when you look at marketing from a different perspective.......it changes things a bit doesn't it? Marketing doesn't have to be this boring, scary way of convincing people they need you and your services.....it can be a fun journey where you get to share your passion and gifts with others to positively impact their lives.
What I learned at the workshop just makes so much sense. People naturally want to be lead and told what to do. We all want help and direction and the TRUTH is that we ALL NEED help and direction.
So to me, Marketing is sharing passion and knowledge and making a difference. I am not going to go into DETAILS about what was taught because that is private information but I will share and continue to share how this information is transforming my life and my business.
I leave you with this question: In what ways are you shrinking yourself and your potential because of bogus excuses, lack of discipline or just flat out procrastination???
Look at your Calendar...it will show you what you value.
Part II of this post is coming soon! Please do post your comments and feedback.
I agree and since opening my gym last year, have learned to push myself to share more of myself rather than being like a little quiet mouse. This has benefited me and, I believe, my clients too. I often think of something John Du Cane said at the RKC, which is to be yourself, but be a bigger version of yourself. Some people think they would feel like a phony, but by being a bigger version of yourself, you are still authentic... he says that's what Pavel has done.
Fran, that is so exciting about your business! Congrat's and keep the passion alive!!
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