Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kettlebell and Rope Fat Loss Training

Kettlebell training flat out works. Most of you know that by now. But what many of you may not know is how effective rope training is, especially when added to kettlebell training. Check out the video to see Yoana take you through a challenging kettlebell bell / rope combo fat loss routine!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

RKC Booth at LA Fitness EXPO 2009

Yoana and I stopped by the RKC Booth at the LA Fitness EXPO over the weekend. It was great seeing other RKC's there and thanks to Justin Garfield and Pavel for putting it together. We didn't stay long but did manage to film a couple of kettlebell execsies!

Friday, January 16, 2009

John Maher Professional Surfer YouTube-Sequence 1-MPEG-4 800Kbps

This is our client and friend Michael Maher's son John Maher, one of the best up and coming BIG WAVE riders in the world. John absolutely SHREDS these waves!
