Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Betsy Collie RKC II and Geoff Neupert Senior RKC

The following videos are of Betsy Collie RKC II and Senior RKC Geoff Neupert from North Carolina. Fist of all, both of them are not only some of the nicest people you will ever meet, they are both gifted athletes in their own crafts. Watch these two videos and please do not try them at home! Betsy and Geoff are very talented and super strong!!!!!! To say I am impressed is an understatement!


Franklin said...

Its a little hard to see but it looks like in the video Geoff snatches 125kg or 275lbs which is an extraordinary accomplishment. Betsy is a freakish athlete also exhibiting incredible balance, flexibility and strength.

Great videos!

Franz Snideman said...


Geoff is hoisting up some serious weight there....impressive indeed!

I saw Betsy do this at my studio this week....couldn't believe it! She is awesome!

Keats Snideman CSCS, CK-FMS, LMT said...

Wow, that's pretty impressive to say the least. You know what's also impressive, is that I've actually started blogging again!

I'd love to have anyone come over and read my latest blog on Shoes for Resistance Training:

Rapid Results Fitness - Betsy Collie said...

Franz, just saw this! Thanks for the kind words! Look forward to my next visit to CA and when I visit I definitely want to sneak some training in with you and Yoana! Wishing you all the best in your new release dvd/s! Betsy

Franz Snideman said...

Thanks Betsy!!!

Laurel Blackburn said...

Betsie's pistol was crazy. She was one of my team leaders.

Franz Snideman said...

Boot Camp Queen....yes.... Betsy is unreal with her pistols!!!