I decided to add a couple of reps of bench press to excite the nervous system and see if it improved my snatches. Yes, it worked.
Flat Bench Press
135 x 5
185 x 1
205 x 1
210 x 1
24kg 5/5 10/10 15/15 10/10 10/10
100 reps = felt great
Warm up
Track Drills/ Hip Mobilty
10 x 100 yards
I love your simple and effective sessions. You have got to be one seriously explosive guy!
Glad you had a nice vacation..I always eat too much and gain weight on vacation...;)!!
Interesting about BP's helping with snatches..
thanks Tom. Managed to gain zero weight on vacation - worked out alot!
Try lifting a couple of singles on the bench prior to Snatching, and let me know what you think?
I shall do that, and let you know. Thanks for the tip!
nice volume of snatches.I had no luck combining benches with snatches but I had wrecked shoulders coming in.
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