Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sunday Workout

Yoana and I woke up and decided to go to Revolution and train. It's nice to train there on Sundays because it is empty of we are able to focus on training rather than the pressures of work, deadlines, and phone calls.

Circuit One: 4 sets

Pull ups 5 reps
Keg Shouldering 3 reps per side w/70 pound Keg
Walking Lunges 2 x 16kg x 10 reps/leg
Keg Military Press 1 x 80pound x 3 reps, 4 x 70 pound x 5 reps

Circuit Two: 3 sets

MB Shouldering 100 pound MB x 3 reps/shoulder
Tire Flips 235 pound tire x 6 reps
Sledgehammer chops on Tires 20 sec/L + R

This workout was Brutal. My glutes are still sore 3 days later, ouch. I loved it though. A very thorough workout with all systems challenged. The only challenge I have with the heavy MB's is that it hurts by left elbow, almost as if there is too much laxity in the joint. It is not a muscular pain as much as it is joint pain. Need to really take care of my elbows by getting soft tissue work on my biceps, tricep, subscapularis, forearm extensors and flexors. Need to take care of my hands too, they hurt considerably with too much grip work.


Ken Black said...

Have you been doing the extensor work with the band after your workouts?
Also try contrast baths where you soak the hands in buckets of hot and cold water. Alternate hot then cold for 1 – 1 ½ mins . Temps of around 110 for the hot and 55 for the cold. If you have a couple of golf balls then you can rotate them in your hands. Great for hand recovery.
Hope that helps:)

Franz Snideman said...

Ken - how ironic you're talking about hand health because I just read some awesome stuff on hands in the recent Iron Mind catalogue.
thanks for the input - I will do it!

Rock on brother!


Mark Reifkind said...

I have the ironmind hand extender rubber bands and they rock. use them all the time and especially helpfull ifyou are using your flexor as much as well are.the contrast baths sound great as well.

Franz Snideman said...

Rif - I need to get some of those extensor bands. Ken Black has been encouraging me to do extensor work for months. And now that I know that you are using them, well that seals the deal.

Extensor work here I come!


Coach Megan said...

You know where to get some of the best extensor bands? Off of broccoli in the grocery store! Works really well.

I don't think that is the problem though. You and I talked about this, but we will solve it in June. I would start doing some direct arm work for prehab.

Mark Reifkind said...

whazzup homeboy? wheres the training?