Monday, April 03, 2006

3 x 3 day again!

Starting to really enjoy this 3 x 3 program that Mike Mahler wrote about. Mike in my oppinion is one of the best no-nonsense coaches out there. His program and information are rock solid, very effective, and get results.

Incline Bench Press

160 3 x 3

Weighted Pull ups

53 lb. KB + 5 pound weight plate 3 x 3

warm up 36lb x 5/5 53lb. x 3/3

62lb KB 3 x 3/3

Power Rope Training

3 sets x 30 seconds (this stuff is awesome - really feel my abdominals)

Great Session. Quick, short, focused and fun! My Energy is much better in late morning.


Mark Reifkind said...

wow thats a solid session franz. lots of work. I do loves me some low reps myself.I am sticking with fives but over five is....
I'll do a million sets but dont make me do 20 reps!LOL!

Franz Snideman said...

high reps -- yuk! My body is not designed to handle high reps. even when I train them for an extended period of time it just never feels right. Low reps always feel good and leave me with much more energy and BETTER RESULTS!

I know guys who are the exact opposite. They love high reps and repsond very well to volume.

Mark Reifkind said...

I do well with volume, just not reps over five.I dont do well on high intensity and low volume either.every one is so different eh?

Franz Snideman said...

Yeah Rif, I imagine it has alot to do with genetics, parents, etc. I remember reading an old bodybuilding magazine that talked about the difference in trainig from some of the old great like Arnold, Franco Columbo, Frank Zane, and Serge Nebrei. Serge Nebrei was a total slow twitch fiber guy who responded to 20 and 30+ reps. Arnold and Franco responded more to higher loads, especially in the legs. I think I am much more fast twich all over and that is why I respond to the heavier loads. The catch 22 is that I tend to over do it rather easily and get injured and half to back off to ligher loads and more volume.

Coach Megan said...

I don't know guys, I like to throw in a 20 rep set of squats or even deadlifts. I think there is something to doing it once awhile and only one set. You know the Super Squats idea and I believe Dr. Ken has some good points about the value of it in the latest Milo. I think everything has a time and place. Just my thoughts.

Coach Megan said...

I don't know guys, I like to throw in a 20 rep set of squats or even deadlifts. I think there is something to doing it once awhile and only one set. You know the Super Squats idea and I believe Dr. Ken has some good points about the value of it in the latest Milo. I think everything has a time and place. Just my thoughts.

Franz Snideman said...

Josh - I totally agree with you. Throwing in the odd high reps workout can add some conditioning as it works much more on the cellular component than neurological. My previous thoughts were that long term my body does not respond well to higher reps and that is why I prefer 5 reps or less.